Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Read and answers-1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Read and answers-1 - Coursework Example Stuxnet can also be attributed to the destruction of a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges (Loudon, 2). Stuxnet is feared because when it attacks the industrial system of a company, it takes control of the critical operations such as alarms, pumps and motors. It can lead to nuclear malfunction and even explosions. In most cases of a malware attack, industries collapse and the security details of a country compromised. For Stuxnet to be effective, a person is needed to help spread the malware to the targeted computer. An infected USB flash drive is introduced to the computer. Once the malware is in the computer system, it scans for Siemens Step7 software that controls the PLC. The presence of a person with the motive to spread the malware is, therefore, necessary. Neither Iran nor American spectators view Stuxnet as an act of war. If it were to be considered an act of war, one of the countries would be immune to the effects of Stuxnet. Instead, various countries have been significantly affected and are at risk of more attacks. Even if the powerful nations have the ability to launch the attack, they do not have the ability to protect themselves from any malware that affects their
Monday, October 28, 2019
The immortality of the soul and ressurection of the body Essay Example for Free
The immortality of the soul and ressurection of the body Essay 1. Compare and contrast the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body. The concept of the immortality of the soul is a dualist one, meaning that the body and soul are two separate entities. Whereas resurrection of the body is the opposite believing that one cannot necessarily live without the other. People that accept the idea of immortality of the soul believe that the soul is separate from the body and that when we die the soul will live on making it immortal. Resurrection of the body however differs because the body and soul are together and when you die both will be resurrected. Plate is a dualist and he believes the soul is not of this world but another where there are perfect forms of everything on earth. He uses the allegory of to demonstrate this idea. Prisoners are bound in a cave and cannot look out the mouth of the cave. Behind them is a fire casting shadows onto the wall they are facing. They believe these shadows to be reality. One then is released and he is blinded by the real world. He sees the perfection of the world and realises his previous thoughts were wrong. When he tells the prisoners in the cave about what he has seen the do not believe him, because they have not yet experienced it. This is like our souls. They want to be realised into the higher world of perfection because they desire greater things. Renà © Descartes is also a dualist. Cartesian dualism, as his views are now known, centre around the famous statement, â€Å"I think therefore I am.†Our body is just a case for the machine and it is only because our soul is conscious that our body is alive. Gilbert Rile compares this to a â€Å"ghost in the machine†, implying that our body is just a machine and our body makes us aware. Saint Thomas Aquinas shares a similar view referring to the soul as â€Å"anima.†This means animation, believing that the soul animates the body and gives us our characteristics and personalities. Resurrection of the body is very different from immortality of the soul. With this idea the body is needed for a person to live on. This is a very Christian belief because of the Bibles reference to it. On judgement day Jesus will come and those who have lived lives according to the law of God will be resurrected in a new heaven and new Earth. The resurrection of the body is spoken about by many writers in the Bible, including St Paul. There are also examples, with the most famous being Jesus rising on the third day and Jesus bringing a girl back to life after saying she was only â€Å"sleeping.†John Hick has a slightly different variation of resurrection of the body, and postulates his â€Å"replica theory.†Hick suggests that when we die our body and soul our lost, and that God, the omnipotent being, creates an exact replica of us in heaven. This replica can be recognised by our family and friends because we are no different. 1. To what extent is one of these a more convincing concept that the other Both, immortality of the soul and resurrection of the body, have their problems. Immortality of the soul has been challenged by many empiricists such as A.J Ayer and Richard Dawkins because of their idea of a soul. Biologist Dawkins ask where this soul is, it cannot be found in the body and therefore we have no proof for its existence, and if it does not exist then it cannot be immortal implying that there is no life after death. Another problem facing the soul is when a human receives one. Aquinas suggested men get one after 40 days after conception and women after 60; however, again there is no proof for this idea. Rene Descartes also has challenges with his statement â€Å"I think therefore I am.†With some clever word swapping the idea of â€Å"I am therefore I think†was suggested by another philosopher, arguing that the only reason that you are conscious is because exist not because a soul has appeared in your body, we have evolved to think. Resurrection of the soul has some major difficulties also. There is no proof for a life after death, naturally because no one has come back and told us. Also, Despite the Bible having numerous accounts of resurrection, the Bible is not a reliable source that can be taken literally because of some of the other ideas and concepts within it. There is also the question of what happens to those who are dead and judgement day has not come, do they wait in some form of purgatory. Heaven and hell have no empirical evidence either so there is no reason to assume people are there. Hick’s replica theory is arguable the weakest of all the ideas. In his concept God recreates an exact replica of the person that died, but why, if he is God, does it need to be a replica, if he is omnipotent should he not be able to resurrect our body? This is in a way not a life after death because the original person is dead and it is not their body that has lived on. However, it is not so much a question of whether which concept is more convincing than the other, it is more does a life after death actually exist, or have we created one? Has the human race just feared the ceasing of existence, and so to try and give hope and reason to a miserable existence? Or was it created by those who wish to keep the people in order, by making them live in fear of a hell and by giving them a reward for being good, they could create a form of social control.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Effect of Opening Scenes on Plot Setting and Characters :: Art
The Effect of Opening Scenes on Plot Setting and Characters The opening scenes of a feature film can play a major role in establishing key elements that parallel throughout the rest of the film. The three key elements are settings, characters and plot. The film "Dead Poet's Society" shall be used as an example throughout this essay. The first scene in "Dead Poet's Society" is in a dim room with a candle being lit by boys in school uniform. Although very brief, this scene is symbolic of many things. The candle being lit symbolises knowledge, which is backed up by the boys' school uniform. The boys with their college uniforms straight away state that they are in a school. The darkness of the room is also symbolic of the boys' unhappiness. The candle may also be symbolic of the light to guide them out of their misery, which is Mr Keating who appears in the following scene, which incorporates symbolic, technical and audio codes to establish setting and characters. Scene two is situated in a large assembly area much set out similar to a church with hundreds of boys in uniform seated in rows with the room quite brightly lit. One of the cameras is set so that it is positioned high above the front stage, looking down on all the boys in the assembly area. This implies that all the boys are small and easy to conquer or squash. It is symbolic of their overall weakness, even as a large group. There is a murmur of talking that is symbolic of all the boys being merged into one unit and their lack of individuality. The boys are all wearing identical uniform which again is symbolic of the boys having no individuality and their likeness to an army which is usually thought of with a negative feeling. In this scene there is no sign of any females or any female symbols such as flowers, which indicates that the school is strictly for boys. When the boys' come down the aisle playing instruments and holding flags up high, this is also somewhat representative of an army soldier blowing a beagle introducing the sergeant or whoever is in charge. In this instance, it is introducing the principal of the school who is portrayed in a negative light. The flags carried are symbolic of ancient times, which along with it carries tradition. This is also backed up by the fact that bagpipes are being played which symbolise the very religious and traditional Scotsmen and Irishmen.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Emotional relationship Essay
In this essay I will be looking at two theories of attachment, â€Å"an intense emotional relationship†¦ enduring over time and in which prolonged separation†¦ is accompanied by stress and sorrow†(Kagan et al 1982). I will also attempt to evaluate the statement from Bowlby ’58, where he says that â€Å"Mother love in infancy is as important for mental health as are vitamins and protein for physical health†. The two attachment theories I will be looking at are Bowlby’s 1953 Monotrophy Theory and Freud’s Psychoanalytical Theory. Bowlby initially argued that attachment is an adaptive behaviour due to the human instinct to survive. Infants are born with a predisposition to survive and therefore have to form an attachment in order to gain food, warmth and protection etc. In order for this interaction to take place, the infant is born with Innate Social Releasers that prompt care-giving from the parent through releasers such as crying and cooing etc. Infants also need to form attachments in order to have a â€Å"secure base†from which to explore the world around them. This can be seen in securely attached infants, who are happy to explore an unfamiliar room, as long as the person with whom they have their â€Å"primary bond†is present (Strange Situation- Ainsworth and Bell 1970). Bowlby described this primary bond as â€Å"Monotrophy†, meaning turning towards one person. He recognised that this bond doesn’t always form with the biological mother, just the primary care giver. Adults also have a predisposition to care and be responsive to their offspring, as the survival of the infant into adulthood ensures the continuation of their genetic line. Therefore the have an innate response to the infants’ social releasers. Bowlby suggested that infants have a Critical Period, up to 2 1/2 years, for attachments to form. If attachments were not made by this age, it would not be possible for the child to form any attachment and the child would suffer long-term, permanent emotional damage, particularly in the formation of lasting adult relationships. This is due to the â€Å"Internal Working Model†according to Bowlby and later by Bretherton and Waters (1985) who said that â€Å"secure children have developed a positive working model of themselves, based on their feelings of security derived from having a sensitive, emotionally responsive and supportive primary care-giver†. It is therefore said that avoidant children have a rejecting, unresponsive caregiver, resulting in a negative working model of themselves. He also developed the Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis, where he claimed that infants who were unable to develop attachments would grow up having problems with relationships and have a higher chance of behavioural disorders. This hypothesis was supported by other psychologists such as Spitz and Wolf (1946) and Robertson and Robertson (1971). An alternative theory of attachment is the Psychosexual theory put forward by Freud. He said there are five stages of development a child goes through: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital. The stage that deals with attachment is the oral stage, which occurs from birth to about 18 months. Freud thought that during this time the infant is driven by the â€Å"Pleasure Principle†. This is caused by the development of the â€Å"Id†, the first component of the personality to develop. The â€Å"Id†demands instant gratification and in the oral stage, gratification comes through the mouth. The drive for oral satisfaction is vital at this age as the attention is focused on food and thus, survival. There are three parts to this stage of development: the drive for oral gratification that results in an uncomfortable feeling, so the infant cries. He is then fed, and the drive is reduced and the uncomfortable feeling, hunger, is gone. This is experienced as pleasure. Therefore the attachment is made with the person who offers the gratification and pleasure. Although at first glance, the two theories are very different, when analysed, similarities can be drawn. They both suggest stages the infant must go through in order to develop into a stable adult. Bowlby says that no infantile attachment leads to problems in adult relationships and Freud says that an unsuccessful transition through any of the five stages will result in regression in later life, for example a child with an oral fixation will suck his thumb, chew pen tops and in later life smoke. Both of these points are true to a certain degree, as there as been countless studies about children who have had maternal deprivation in early infancy and grown up into maladjusted adults. However it is difficult to be able to pinpoint exactly what is the cause of an adults’ maladjusted behaviour as there may be numerous reasons, which cannot be reduced to maternal deprivation alone. One major difference between these theories is that while Bowlby recognises that the primary bond doesn’t have to be with the mother, Freuds’ theory is dependant on the mother or wet nurse. This could lead to implications when trying to apply Freud’s theory today, as many infants are not breast-fed at all. Bowlby’s theory was very well received in the UK when it was published, as it came just after the second world war, when women were being encouraged to go back to the home and their children, so the men could return to the jobs in the factories etc. His theory gave the government something by which to almost force the women home, as the threat of a maladjusted child, due to your absence, was more than most women wanted to deal with. It was also one of the most important and influential pieces of psychological work of that century.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Social Impact Analysis (Hydrogen Fuel)
The search for a renewable energy source has been a top priority to us a human race in the past decade. Many ideas have come in the form of wind, solar, and nuclear power, all having their own drawbacks. But, the one that will be focused upon in this analysis is hydrogen as a source of fuel, and the technology leading the way to making it a reality. This technology would affect everyone in one way or another if correctly used. So we must ask if this technology is beneficial to us, how it might hurt us, and whether it is worth pursuing from an ethical stance. Background:Hydrogen has already been under the micro scope for many years as an alternative fuel source to us because of its abundance and power. We have simply been lacking the technology to employ it in an efficient way. But a recent break through might speed the process up of putting such a fuel in place in our modern market. A â€Å"team of researchers from Virginia Tech has discovered a way to extract large quantities of hy drogen from any plant†[1]. The research found a method to convert large quantities of hydrogen from the most plentiful plant sugar found on earth, xylose.This method is most important because it extracts the hydrogen with little input energy and does so in an environmentally friendly manner. Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements found on earth, yet it must be separated into its pure form, H2, before being used as a fuel. The problem is, with current methods pure hydrogen â€Å"is just too expensive and time-consuming to produce†[2]. Current methods often require more energy from other sources like natural gas or coal burning electric plants to extract the hydrogen, than the hydrogen can actually produce itself.So in turn, hydrogen fuel which has been looked at to solve pollution problems, has in the past caused just as much pollution to produce, and defeated its own purpose. That is where this new technology can completely change everything. To liberate the hy drogen, â€Å"Virginia Tech scientists separated a number of enzymes from their native microorganisms to create a customized enzyme cocktail that does not occur in nature†[1]. This enzyme cocktail releases the pure hydrogen from plant sources quickly, cheaply, and with little outside energy to do so.These enzymes yield pure hydrogen from biomaterial at much higher quantities than previously possible. The hydrogen that is produced can be directly utilized by proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Possible Advantages: This advancement in technology reveals to us a multitude of possibilities and advantages. One of the easiest advantages to see has already been stated above. Hydrogen is massively abundant on earth, is renewable, and produces no harmful emissions when used as an energy source. Its number one emission is heat and clean water!If used, hydrogen would lower our pollution output immensely, and would take us off the dependence of fossil fuels. Taking our dependence off o f oil is the number one reason why so much money has been funneled into hydrogen research. America uses â€Å"one quarter†of all the oil produced in the world, yet we only account for â€Å"4. 6% of the world population†[5]. Imagine if we were able to make all vehicles hydrogen powered and the dramatic cut this would make to our green house gas emissions. That global warming doomsday clock we’ve all been so infatuated with would slow dramatically.Hydrogen is a â€Å"very efficient fuel source†compared to â€Å"traditional sources of energy and produces more energy per pound of fuel†. In fact, hydrogen â€Å"is three times as powerful as gasoline and similar fossil fuels†[2], so in turn less is more. Switching to hydrogen fuel would mean â€Å"that we had to depend a lot less on foreign oil sources, lessening the need for international importation of fuel†[4] . All the stated above simply tells the physical advantages of hydrog en over current fossil fuels, but, bringing about this change could have economic and social possibilities as well.This discovery could bring about the last piece to the puzzle in developing a whole new line of fuel efficient, environmentally clean cars. Honda has already produced a hydrogen fuel cell concept car they claim is â€Å"overall 64% energy efficient†. To put this into perspective in the average gasoline combustion engine â€Å"only about 20 percent of the thermal-energy content of the gasoline is converted into mechanical work†, making it 20% energy efficient [5]. This new line of cars could bring about jobs in the automotive industry and all industries that branch from it.As of right now the commercial market for hydrogen gas produced from the use of fossil fuels is at about $100 billion. A majority of this hydrogen goes into producing fertilizers and petrochemicals [1]. All it would take is an inexpensive source of green hydrogen, such as the one recently discovered, to completely change this industry. Overall hydrogen has the ability to bring about jobs and continued advancements in every market and industry touched by it. This could be just about every industry when considering how important transportation and shipping are to the economy; hydrogen would give them an inexpensive fuel for transport.Hydrogen fuel could do this all the while solving our most important problem of finding a renewable energy source. Potential Drawbacks: Even though hydrogen as a fuel seems to answer every problem we want it to; it also has setbacks. Although we have the technology now to bring us an endless supply of hydrogen fuel we do not have the storage or infrastructure capabilities for it. â€Å"Hydrogen is highly volatile. Special tanks have to be used to hold it and specially-pressurized pumps have to be used to convey it†[3].And once more, these special tanks and pumps must be outfitted to work on vehicles as well. It would be at much co st to the government and in turn the taxpayer to quickly build and put in place the pipe lines, storage tanks, filling stations, and other vices needed to use hydrogen. Most people consider it â€Å"insane to even suggest that current fuel sources be replaced when what is already in place is working so well†[2]. In its pure, usable, gas form hydrogen is very explosive and the ramifications of putting it as our main source of fuel must be weighed out.If not properly handled many people could lose their lives to it. Legislators will have to â€Å"create new processes for first responders to follow when they must handle an incident involving a fuel cell vehicle or generator. Engineers will have to design safe, reliable hydrogen delivery systems†[5]. In time hydrogen as a fuel may bring lowered costs to the consumer for transportaion fuels, power, and other chemicals, but seems that at first it will only bring higher costs. This will only make weaning us off fossil fuels more difficult.People will not buy hydrogen technology until it is competitively priced, but competitive pricing seems still quite a bit away. As of now the cost of a hydrogen fuel cell is very expensive because of its many components, some of which contain precious metals like platinum. â€Å"In order to be competitively priced (compared to gasoline-powered vehicles), fuel cell systems must cost $35 per kilowatt. Currently, the projected high-volume production price is $73 per kilowatt. †[5]. Should it be used?In the case of this technology I think a utilitarian approach is key; more specifically an act-utilitarian approach. Act-utilitarian, in such that hydrogen fuel technology should be utilized in all areas available only if this action would maximize the good in the end. In my opinion the benefits outweigh the disadvantages/dangers when applying hydrogen fuel in a universally correct manner, and would maximize the end good for all humanity. So, I feel that full investm ent into the use of hydrogen would be the correct line of action.This gives us the opportunity to act as engineers correctly under our code of ethics meeting several criteria: â€Å"using our knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare and the environment†, and complying â€Å"with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of professional duties†[6]. Of course, as with every emerging technology there are failures and drawbacks. But, when these technologies are used correctly they have the ability to completely revolutionize how we do things for the better. Sometime, as in this case, the short term drawbacks caused to a few must be over looked for more the betterment of the masses.Hydrogen fuel would answer problems that we have deemed most important for our future; green renewable energy and lowering our effect on the environment by pollution. The consequences of using hydrogen in the long run must be considered, and the temporary di sadvantages such as costs and dangers must be ignored . Not every person can be pleased right away. These minor problems can be dealt with eventually. But, in the long run the benefits will continue to grow on themselves. The development of this technology must be continued until it has become common place as much as gas and other fuels are to us now.With the problem of fossil fuels and their negative consequences out of the way, we as a human race are able to tackle our next great challenge. Works Cited [1] Virginia Tech. â€Å"Breakthrough in hydrogen fuel production could revolutionize alternative energy market. † ScienceDaily, 3 Apr. 2013. Web. 3 Apr. 2013. [2]â€Å"What is Hydrogen Energy†. Conserve Energy Future. Np. Nd. Web. 3 April 2013. [3] Leslie. Kim, â€Å"The Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel†.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of Exclamatory Sentences
Definition and Examples of Exclamatory Sentences In English grammar, an exclamatory sentence is a type of main clause that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation. Compare this with sentences that make a statement (declarative sentences), express a command (imperative sentences), or ask a question (interrogatory sentences). An exclamatory sentence is also called an exclamative or an exclamative clause. An exclamatory sentence usually ends with an exclamation point (!). With the appropriate intonation, other sentence types- especially declarative sentences- can be used to form exclamatives. Adjectives in Exclamatory Phrases and Clauses Exclamatory phrases can stand on their own as sentences- such as if someone says No way! or uses interjections such as Brrr!- without even needing to have a subject and a verb in them, though to qualify as an exclamatory clause or sentence, a subject and verb need to be present. Author Randolph Quirk and his colleagues explain how adjectives play a part in creating exclamatory phrases and clauses: Adjectives (especially those that can be complement when the subject is eventive, eg: Thats excellent!) can be exclamations, with or without an initial wh-element...:​ Excellent! (How) wonderful!...Such adjective phrases need not be dependent on any previous linguistic context but may be a comment on some object or activity in the situational context. (​A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman, 1985) Interrogative Clauses as Exclamations In addition to sentences that have the typical declarative subject-verb structure, there are exclamatory sentences that take a positive or negative interrogative structure. For example, examine the sentence structure here: Oh wow, was that a great concert! Note that the verb was comes before the subject concert. If youre having trouble parsing out subjects for these type of sentences, look first for the verb and then find the subject by deciding what belongs to the verb. Here, its concert, as you could put the sentence in a subject-verb order as Oh wow, that concert was great! There are exclamatory questions, too, such as, Isnt this fun! or Well, what do you know! And there are rhetorical questions of surprise, such as What?! that end with both a question mark and an exclamation point. Avoid Overuse in Your Writing Exclamative types of sentences rarely appear in academic writing, except when theyre part of quoted material, which would likely be rare in that field. Please be aware that overuse of exclamations and exclamation points in essays, nonfiction articles, or in fiction is a sign of amateurish writing. Use them only when absolutely necessary, such as in direct quotes and dialogue. Even then, revise out what you can in order to leave only the most necessary. Dont allow exclamation points (and exclamatory sentences) to become a crutch to carry the emotion of a scene. In fiction, the words the characters speak and the tension in the scene driven by the narration should be what expresses the emotion. The author voice in an essay or nonfiction article should carry the message; exclamations should be restricted to direct quotes attributed to sources. A good rule of thumb to follow for any piece of writing is to allow only one exclamation point for every 2,000 words (or more, if possible). Revising them out of your drafts will make your overall piece stronger by the time its finalized.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Althea Gibson - Biography of Tennis Pioneer
Althea Gibson - Biography of Tennis Pioneer Tennis, which first came to the United States in the late 19th century, by the middle of the 20th century had become part of a culture of health and fitness. Public programs brought tennis to children in poor neighborhoods, though those children couldnt dream of playing in the elite tennis clubs. Dates: August 25, 1927 - September 28, 2003 Early Life One young girl named Althea Gibson lived in Harlem in the 1930s and 1940s. Her family was on welfare. She was a client of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. She had trouble in school and was often truant. She ran away from home frequently. . She also played paddle tennis in public recreation programs. Her talent and interest in the game led her to win tournaments sponsored by the Police Athletic Leagues and the Parks Department. Musician Buddy Walker noticed her playing table tennis and thought she might do well in tennis. He brought her to the Harlem River Tennis Courts, where she learned the game and began to excel. A Rising Star The young Althea Gibson became a member of the Harlem Cosmopolitan Tennis Club, a club for African American players, through donations raised for her membership and lessons. By 1942 Gibson had won the girls singles event at the American Tennis Associations New York State Tournament. The American Tennis Association - ATA - was an all-black organization, providing tournament opportunities not otherwise available to African American tennis players. In 1944 and 1945 she again won ATA tournaments. Then Gibson was offered an opportunity to develop her talents more fully: a wealthy South Carolina businessman opened his home to her and supported her in attending an industrial high school while studying tennis privately. From 1950, she furthered her education, attending Florida AM University, where she graduated in 1953. Then, in 1953, she became an athletic instructor at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. Gibson won the ATA womens singles tournament ten years in a row, 1947 through 1956. But tennis tournaments outside the ATA remained closed to her, until 1950. In that year white tennis player Alice Marble wrote an article in American Lawn Tennis magazine, noting that this excellent player was not able to participate in the better-known championships, for no reason other than bigotry. And so later that year, Althea Gibson entered the Forest Hills, New York, national grass court championship, the first African-American player of either sex to be allowed to enter. Gibson Takes on Wimbledon Gibson then became the first African-American invited to enter the all-England tournament at Wimbledon, playing there in 1951. She entered other tournaments though at first winning only minor titles outside the ATA. In 1956, she won the French Open. In the same year, she toured worldwide as a member of a national tennis team supported by the U.S. State Department. She began winning more tournaments, including at the Wimbledon womens doubles. In 1957, she won the womens singles and doubles at Wimbledon. In celebration of this American win and her achievement as an African American New York City greeted her with a ticker tape parade. Gibson followed up with a win at Forest Hills in the womens singles tournament. Turning Pro In 1958, she again won both Wimbledon titles and repeated the Forest Hills womens singles win. Her autobiography, I Always Wanted to Be Somebody, came out in 1958. In 1959 she turned pro, winning the womens professional singles title in 1960. She also began playing professional womens golf and she appeared in several films. Althea Gibson served from 1973 on in various national and New Jersey positions in tennis and recreation. Among her honors: 1971 - National Lawn Tennis Hall of Fame1971 - International Tennis Hall of Fame1974 - Black Athletes Hall of Fame1983 - South Carolina Hall of Fame1984 - Florida Sports Hall of Fame In the mid-1990s, Althea Gibson suffered from serious health problems including a stroke, and also struggled financially though many efforts at fund-raising helped ease that burden. She died on Sunday, September 28, 2003, but not before she knew of the tennis victories of Serena and Venus Williams. A Lasting Legacy Other African American tennis players like Arthur Ashe and the Williams sisters followed Gibson, though not quickly. Althea Gibsons achievement was unique, as the first African American of either sex to break the color bar in national and international tournament tennis at a time when prejudice and racism were far more pervasive in society and sports.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Understanding Maslows Theory of Self-Actualization
Understanding Maslows Theory of Self-Actualization Psychologist Abraham Maslows theory of self-actualization contends that individuals are motivated to fulfill their potential in life. Self-actualization is typically discussed in conjunction with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which posits that self-actualization sits at the top of a hierarchy above four lower needs. Origins of the Theory During the mid-20th century, the theories of psychoanalysis and behaviorism were prominent in the field of psychology. Though largely very different, these two perspectives shared a general assumption that people are driven by forces beyond their control. In response to this assumption, a new perspective, called humanistic psychology, arose. The humanists wanted to offer a more optimistic, agentive perspective on human striving. The theory of self-actualization emerged out of this humanistic perspective. Humanistic psychologists claimed that people are driven by higher needs, particularly the need to actualize the self. In contrast to the psychoanalysts and behaviorists who focused on psychological problems, Maslow developed his theory by studying psychologically healthy individuals. The Hierarchy of Needs Maslow contextualized his theory of self-actualization within a hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy represents five needs arranged from lowest to highest, as follows: Physiological needs: These include needs that keep us alive, such as food, water, shelter, warmth, and sleep.Safety needs: The need to feel secure, stable, and unafraid.Love and belongingness needs: The need to belong socially by developing relationships with friends and family.Esteem needs: The need to feel both (a) self-esteem based on one’s achievements and abilities and (b) recognition and respect from others.Self-actualization needs: The need to pursue and fulfill one’s unique potentials. When Maslow originally explained the hierarchy in 1943, he stated that higher needs generally won’t be pursued until lower needs are met. However, he added, a need does not have to be completely satisfied for someone to move onto the next need in the hierarchy. Instead, the needs must be partially satisfied, meaning that an individual can pursue all five needs, at least to some extent, at the same time. Maslow included caveats in order to explain why certain individuals might pursue higher needs before lower ones. For example, some people who are especially driven by the desire to express themselves creatively may pursue self-actualization even if their lower needs are unmet. Similarly, individuals who are particularly dedicated to pursuing higher ideals may achieve self-actualization despite adversity that prevents them from meeting their lower needs. Defining Self-Actualization To Maslow, self-actualization is the ability to become the best version of oneself. Maslow stated, â€Å"This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.† Of course, we all hold different values, desires, and capacities. As a result, self-actualization will manifest itself differently in different people. One person may self-actualize through artistic expression, while another will do so by becoming a parent, and yet another by inventing new technologies. Maslow believed that, because of the difficulty of fulfilling the four lower needs, very few people would successfully become self-actualized, or would only do so in a limited capacity. He proposed that the people who can successfully self actualize share certain characteristics. He called these people self-actualizers. According to Maslow, self-actualizers share the ability to achieve peak experiences, or moments of joy and transcendence. While anyone can have a peak experience, self-actualizers have them more frequently. In addition, Maslow suggested that self-actualizers tend to be highly creative, autonomous, objective, concerned about humanity, and accepting of themselves and others. Maslow contended that some people are simply not motivated to self-actualize. He made this point by differentiating between deficiency needs, or D-needs, which encompass the four lower needs in his hierarchy, and being needs, or B-needs. Maslow said that D-needs come from external sources, while B-needs come from within the individual. According to Maslow, self-actualizers are more motivated to pursue B-needs than non-self-actualizers. Criticism and Further Study The theory of self-actualization has been criticized for its lack of empirical support and for its suggestion that lower needs must be met before self-actualization is possible. In 1976, Wahba and Bridwell investigated these issues by reviewing a number of studies exploring different parts of the theory. They found only inconsistent support for the theory, and limited support for the proposed progression through Maslow’s hierarchy. However, the idea that some people are more motivated by B-needs than D-needs was supported by their research, lending increased evidence to the idea that some people may be more naturally motivated towards self-actualization than others. A 2011 study by Tay and Diener explored the satisfaction of needs that roughly matched those in Maslow’s hierarchy in 123 countries. They found that the needs were largely universal, but that the fulfillment of one need was not dependent on the fulfillment of another. For example, an individual can benefit from self-actualization even if they have not met their need to belong. However, the study also showed that when most citizens in a society have their basic needs met, more people in that society focus on pursuing a fulfilling and meaningful life. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that self-actualization can be attained before all of the four other needs are met, but that having ones most basic needs met makes self-actualization much more likely. The evidence for Maslow’s theory is not conclusive. Future research involving self-actualizers is needed in order to learn more. Yet given its importance to the history of psychology, the theory of self-actualization will maintain its place in the pantheon of classic psychological theories. Sources Compton, William C. â€Å"Self-Actualization Myths: What Did Maslow Really Say?†Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2018, pp.1-18,, Abraham H. â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation.†Psychological Review, vol. 50, no. 4, 1943, pp. 370-396,, Dan. The Person: An Introduction to the Science of Personality Psychology. 5th ed., Wiley, 2008.McLeod, Saul. â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.†Simply Psychology, 21 May 2018., Louis, and Ed Diener. â€Å"Needs and Subjective Well-Being Around the World.†Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 101, no. 2, 2011, 354-365,, Mahmoud A., and Lawrence G. Bridwell. â€Å"Maslow Reconsidered: A Review of Research on the Need Hierarchy Th eory.†Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, vol. 15, 1976, 212-240,
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Spreading the Truth or Lies in Disguise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Spreading the Truth or Lies in Disguise - Essay Example This definition of public diplomacy is concise because it contains three elements that mark its specific role in the over-all practice of international relations and that would serve as a limiting aspect of the study contained in this paper. Government-Sponsored It is â€Å"government-sponsored.†This term limits the scope of the practice of public diplomacy to that which is carried out by the government. While private corporations and institutions also carry out activities that achieve the same objective of informing or influencing public opinion, it could be said that the more important activity of public diplomacy, especially in recent years, is that which nations and states carry out. In the United States, for example, public diplomacy is carried out by the Department of State through its U.S. Information Agency, with the help of many other public and private institutions, such as universities, cultural associations, aid agencies, and its military, among others. In the Uni ted Kingdom, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office carry it out with the help of the British Council, the BBC World Service and private think tanks such as the Foreign Policy Centre, again among many other institutions equipped for the task. Every government carries out a substantial amount of public diplomacy which is different from the common understanding of diplomacy because the normal channels of top-level government relations are not enough for any state to handle the scope and amount of work needed to pursue its strategic interests. Traditionally, international relations to pursue a nation’s strategic interests involved only the political, economic and military aspects. Lately, however,... The report covers the growing importance of public diplomacy highlights the importance of consistency and a unity between the starting and end points of the exercise to communicate a message. The starting point, the government in the case of public diplomacy, originates and packages the message and chooses the medium or media through which the message is transmitted. The end point, the foreign audience or external public, is the intended recipient of the message. However, while the internal public is not included in this equation, they also play an important role, since the factors that contributed to the growing popularity of public diplomacy are also the same factors that affect its utility or not. This paper makes a concluison that this is the reason why there must be consistency between the reality and the message and media used. The message need not be an idealization of reality, but realistic enough so that it could be perceived as objective and sincere. The support of the internal or local public is crucial in this regard, because any messages of inconsistency from this public can do great harm to the message crafted by those who carry out the work of public diplomacy. There is likewise a need to respect the foreign audience’s response. When they do not absorb the message nor change public opinion or, perhaps even worsen it, public diplomacy becomes more crucial and important. Its goal should not be to get everyone to think alike, but rather to help others develop a balanced view of how a country sees its goals as mutually beneficial. Public diplomacy can effect a change in strategic goals if needed.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Wyre School Sport Partnership Programme The Changing Role of the Essay
The Wyre School Sport Partnership Programme The Changing Role of the Physical Education Teacher - Essay Example The programme illustrates the government's attempts to create a collaborative approach between the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and the Department of Education and Skills, as well as other key agencies. The emphasis on such initiatives has gained momentum only since 1990's. There have been major investments made in sport in schools, which reflect a commitment from the Blair and Major governments. The success of this programme rests to a large extent, with the PE teachers who serve as a distribution channel for this initiative. Their new role as School Sport Co-ordinator confers on them, managerial and leadership responsibilities that they have not handled before. How PE teachers perceive their new role, their reactions and reflections, will impact the success of the implementation process of the School Sport Partnership Programme. The challenge that is posed for the PE teacher in the changed scenario is to not just supervise lessons, but also promote physical education to students. If PE staff is to work as a catalyst to ensure the success of this initiative, then they need to be encouraged to adopt a broader view of physical activity behaviour and understand their role in PE promotion. This calls for a study that will generate ideas to help PE staff don on the new role, and will provide an insight into PE staff's ability to manage change and successfully accomplish the conferred responsibility of leadership. To obtain an insight into the perceptions of the PE staff, and understand how the interpretation of the policy by PE staff impacts the realization of School Sport Partnership Programme's objectives, a qualitative research is proposed at the Wyre School. The study will be ethnographic in nature, based on interviews and data gathered through observations. The study will also influence my own role as a Partnership Development Manager by offering an insight into the motivations of the team that I work with, which will help in better management of the team to achieve common goals. The final research report will be presented in the form of a thesis. Review of Literature Sport Partnership Programmes The School Sport Partnership Programme is the government's initiative designed to raise standards in schools through an improved and coordinated delivery of PE and sport. School Sport Partnerships bring together multiple schools, clubs, local authorities, national governing bodies of sport and other community organisations under one umbrella, to provide opportunities in sport for students. Thus it increases sporting opportunities for young people by linking school PE and sporting opportunities in the community. The philosophy guiding the initiation of this programme is that of social inclusion, which encourages participation in sports of all young people, and especially those who have been under represented. It is planned that by 2006, every school in England will be part of one of 400 partnerships. The partnership comprises: Full time Partnership Development Manager (PDM) Teachers from secondary school who take on the role of the School Sport Co-ordinator (SSCOs) (allocated two days a week) Teacher from primary school to become
My personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
My - Personal Statement Example They have raised their kids with strong perseverance and good management. Like them, I am also very hard working, and intend to train myself in various business skills, like leadership, communication, management, and organization. I have always been a very good student getting positions and certificates. My teachers and professors always considered me a student worthy of reward. I feel that I have enough knowledge and passion to show that I have a craze about going ahead in the business industry and contribute to the financial market. To maintain my interest, I keep myself updated with market requirements. I have always thought about bringing my knowledge into use that I gained during my college. I keep on reading related journals, books and magazines, and attend related seminars held in my vicinity. I feel that I possess those special skills needed to fulfill the requirements for this course. I have always come up fresh, innovative and unique ideas. I have learnt basic computer know ledge and softwares so as to equip myself with the latest technology that may help me in excelling in this course. This enthusiasm is what pulls me to take business as major. Precisely speaking, I have two major goals in mind: One is that I want to expand my family business, which is a steel company, to a higher level, and manage it properly; and, the second is to help the needy and poor people with my money and time. I love humanity, and I want to spend the earned money on people in plight. Now, I will discuss my experiences in the business field. I have been working in many organizations as a webmaster, a secretary, administration, and the President of Permias Pasadena (Indonesian Student Organization). I actively participated in the â€Å"Your Vote Matters, 2012†in the Asian pacific legal center, where I convinced people to vote by making hundreds of phone calls. I have also been an internee in the operation committee of the tournament of roses. I volunteered for the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Japanese Public Broadcaster-NHK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Japanese Public Broadcaster-NHK - Research Paper Example NHK is no different. All told, NHK has probably never been in such difficulties at any other point in its history. To begin with, it is useful to examine the recent scandal that so dented the reputation of NHK. In late 2004, NHK employed more than 10,000 people and had revenue from a viewing fee that came to almost $5 billion. But then all hell broke loose. Top executives were accused of embezzling funds, and the popular company chairman was forced to step down. NHK came under increased governmental and legal scrutiny, and competitors revved up their engines. This report neatly summarizes the situation: In Japan, the NHK viewing fee (which is something that akin to BBC’s license fee) is mandatory under the country’s broadcasting law. Although there is no penalty for those who fail to pay, almost 80% of about 46 million Japanese TV households make monthly payments of about US$12. The 2004 scandal, however, triggered waves of consumer discontent, resulting in about 1,280,000 refusals to pay. This translates into a total revenue loss of some US$42 million or 7.4% of NHK’s gross revenue for the fiscal year 2005 which ended in March 2006. The percentage of fee-paying consumers dropped by almost 10%.1 That marked only the beginnings of NHK’s financial woes. Two twin problems were approaching on the horizon that will affect NHK’s bottom line for years to come: the financial crisis and recession of 2008-09 and the huge changes in the media world brought about by the Internet. Like everyone else NHK is finding that serious journalism is in trouble. Laborious and expensive, news stories and investigative reports that reflect a passionate commitment to the public interest are being squeezed out of our media by new economic realities. Faced with decreasing advertising revenue, media companies have been consolidating rapidly in recent years, in part to take advantage of economies of scale. Â
Future of Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Future of Healthcare - Essay Example untries such as the United States have established public health care as an intervention to manage and control illnesses, injuries and other health disorders through disease surveillance, and encouragement of health behavior, environment and the society. It was intended to improve the accessibility of health services through private and public insurance health care provision to all Americans (AcademyHealth, 2011). Although introduction of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 has addressed various challenges facing the health sector the reform has its share of challenges, risks, and opportunities for the people and the state. The drive to increase government involvement in health care administration in the United Stated State can be traced in 1912 following the presidential candidate on the Progressive Party ticket Theodore Roosevelt call for creation of a national health insurance scheme to replicate that of Germany (Emanuel, 2014). After the Great Depression, the proposal gained attention in 1932 when Wilbur Commission, a governmental panel observed that millions of American residents lacked access to affordable medical cover (AcademyHealth, 2011). They suggested a medical group practices and prepayment scheme where the group would contribute finances to cover the members. The intention was to provide every American with medical cover. However, the system experienced myriad challenges partly because of inadequate funds the state was facing and partly because the American Medical Association (AMA) failed to endorse government-run healthcare. These led to the failure of legislation to support the proposa l. Another attempt to provide a ten-year health care for all Americans was put across by President Harry Truman in 1945. However, the effort was thwarted by AMAs warning of the detriment of socializing medical care and subsequent opposition by the Congress (Brill, 2015). However, these proposals set the ground for subsequent political debates to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Japanese Public Broadcaster-NHK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Japanese Public Broadcaster-NHK - Research Paper Example NHK is no different. All told, NHK has probably never been in such difficulties at any other point in its history. To begin with, it is useful to examine the recent scandal that so dented the reputation of NHK. In late 2004, NHK employed more than 10,000 people and had revenue from a viewing fee that came to almost $5 billion. But then all hell broke loose. Top executives were accused of embezzling funds, and the popular company chairman was forced to step down. NHK came under increased governmental and legal scrutiny, and competitors revved up their engines. This report neatly summarizes the situation: In Japan, the NHK viewing fee (which is something that akin to BBC’s license fee) is mandatory under the country’s broadcasting law. Although there is no penalty for those who fail to pay, almost 80% of about 46 million Japanese TV households make monthly payments of about US$12. The 2004 scandal, however, triggered waves of consumer discontent, resulting in about 1,280,000 refusals to pay. This translates into a total revenue loss of some US$42 million or 7.4% of NHK’s gross revenue for the fiscal year 2005 which ended in March 2006. The percentage of fee-paying consumers dropped by almost 10%.1 That marked only the beginnings of NHK’s financial woes. Two twin problems were approaching on the horizon that will affect NHK’s bottom line for years to come: the financial crisis and recession of 2008-09 and the huge changes in the media world brought about by the Internet. Like everyone else NHK is finding that serious journalism is in trouble. Laborious and expensive, news stories and investigative reports that reflect a passionate commitment to the public interest are being squeezed out of our media by new economic realities. Faced with decreasing advertising revenue, media companies have been consolidating rapidly in recent years, in part to take advantage of economies of scale. Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Environmental Science assignment week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Environmental Science assignment week 3 - Essay Example The focus is on the environment and how tradition crude oil refinery relates to global warming and the overall pollution of the planet. This particular episode focuses on two alternate means of power, the Solar Tower and JET. IT discusses why these power producers were made, how they work, and how they will benefit the planet. Both of these power producers were very experimental at the time they were built and the series urges the future experimentation and development of alternate power sources to ensure a safe and profitable future for the world. The content of the documentary pertained to the entire purpose of the textbook. Preserving the environment and preventing pollution damage is the focus of the textbook as well as this documentary. They both were created to promote awareness and to educate others of the current state of our environment and how we can improve and maintain a healthy planet. I would definitely recommend this series to classmates. I didn’t know such alternate forms of generating power existed and I think that this would be eye opening for my peers as well. I think that most people know little to nothing about alternate ways of generating power, and therefore there is little push from consumers for alternate power sources. I think that series like this one serve a great purpose in promoting awareness and education about our environment and alternate power sources. I found the documentary on global diming to be extremely frightening. I think that most citizens feel that they can rest easy because there has been an understanding that if we stop polluting now, we can stop any further global warming and be left with only a slight change in temperature, but this documentary proved that these originally beliefs are completely wrong. The fact that global warming and global diming are two competing effects has hidden the truth of how hot the earth actually is. This makes all original
Monday, October 14, 2019
Urban Archaeology Site In North America Essay Example for Free
Urban Archaeology Site In North America Essay With the aim of dealing with the theoretical, methodological and realistic features of doing archaeology in the contemporary cities of the North America, a novel field of archaeology has come into view over the last 20 years called urban archaeology (Dickens, 1982). Whilst archaeologists have a long pact with the archaeology of cities particularly, the primitive early development of urbanism, industrial cities were long measured too new to be useful to archaeologists. Archaeology was made in modern cities pre-ceding to initiation of a proper discipline of urban archaeology, but it was mainly limited to investigating antique relics and features that were met by urban development projects. Archaeologist Bill Iseminger while in the Illinois prairie, points out outline of a 40-acre majestic plaza that was the Times Square of an outlying American past. (Staski, 1987) A thousand years ago this was the largest city in America north of Mexico, he says. Between 10,000 and 20,000 people lived here before the complex was abandoned under strange conditions earlier to 1400. (Savoye, 2000) But with archaeologists now revealing main parts of the Cahokia Mounds here, the dig has imprisoned public interest as a porthole into Americas heartland capital of the first millennium. The more I study their culture, the more Im convinced they were just like us, says Brad Koldehoff, a University of Illinois archaeologist. (Staski, 1987) Though this main Cahokian site is a secluded oasis nearly eight miles east of St. Louis the primeval metropolitan area spread out in all directions, covering some 255 sq miles of Mississippi flood plain. Lately, Mr. Koldehoff has been leading an archaeological excavation consented by law as a product of excavator job on a new drainage system To Cahokian archaeologists, even soil articulates quantities. The Mississippians the standard name given to Indians that lived beside the river but left no written evidence of their individuality not only moved earth to build mountains, they moved it to even out swales for table-flat plazas. And that is exactly what Koldehoff and his team is seeing, confirming earlier theories that a plaza covered the area a millennium ago. Its unreal sometimes, being there alongside one of the busiest interstates in the country, your mind 1,000 years away, he says. You uncover an old piece of ceramic pipe or a shirt, and then you look up and see the skyscrapers of St. Louis across the river. (Savoye, 2000) Contrasted with ancient Egypt or Incan and Mayan cultures, where stone structures and carvings accept a surfeit of clues about prehistoric ways, Cahokia defers its secrets reluctantly. Cahokia relied on moderately fast-weakening wood for building. That, accompanied by reasonably wet weather circumstances that obliterate relics such as leather goods, makes the task of a Cahokia archaeologist very hard. What archaeologists do make out about the Cahokians ruin is rather worrying. After an actually vivacious growth era, a self-protective fortification’s was built around the outskirts of the plaza. Separate archaeological efforts have exposed proof of lethal raids on societies in remote areas. As the decades developed, the wood intended for houses and reconstruction of the walls tapered in diameter. Archaeologists propose that this points to extensive deforestation. There may have been an increase consequence, in which deforestation led to failure of fuel and game and also silted streams, thus lessening fish counts and causing flooding. How harsh these troubles were and whether they added to pressure on the political system is unidentified. The only thing archaeologists are certain of, founded on present proof are that Cahokia appears to have died away sooner than ended suddenly in a natural disaster or human catastrophe. Though, the Cahokian society ended, though, it lived on for hundreds of years as a sophisticated and possibly varied culture. In isolation, historians say, it provides an important picture of a civilization that has often been labeled as not-so-noble savages in film and fiction (Buchanan, 1978). References Buchanan, R. A.1978, Industrial Archaeology: Retrospect and Prospect. In Historical Archaeology: A Guide to Substantive and Theoretical Contributions, edited by R. L. Schuyler, pp. 53-56. Baywood, Farmingdale, New York Dickens, R. S. Jr. 1982 Archaeology of Urban America. Academic Press, New York. Savoye, Craig, 2000, From urban dirt, ancient city emerges. Christian Science Monitor, 08827729, Vol. 92, Issue 33 Staski, E. (editor) 1987, Living in Cities: Current Research in Urban Archaeology. Society for Historical Archaeology, Special Publication Series, Number 5.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
E Learning And Attituide Of Pakistani People Education Essay
E Learning And Attituide Of Pakistani People Education Essay ABSTRACT The main goal of this research for e-learning is to know about the attitudes of Pakistani society. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. Results show that up there based on educational level are significant differences in attitudes toward education. In addition, the study revealed that Pakistani students have generally good behavior towards e-learning. Deeper attitudes towards e-learning study in Pakistan with a discussion of factors involved. This study contributes to the literature on e-learning studies by systematically measuring the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. Listen Read phonetically Dictionary View detailed dictionary Key Words: E-learning, Attitudes surveys, Pakistan. INTRODUCTION: P1 (1.1) In terms of e-learning, there are many researches for importance of education in various fields took place, but theres limited material available to the people, how they react when they relate to the perspective of Learning is available online, it also explores the reactions of people in academic fields and what they accept or reject it.  With e-learning, curriculum-based education has challenged the fundamental concept, and focused more changes to learn.  In this paper we will demonstrate that there is a difference in people educational perpective and boards and chalks now changes by the implementation of electronic goods in response to participants thinking about learning. BACKGROUND: P1 (1.2) E-learning was created to facilitate people to get information and knowledge of every type when they want that, so it get popularity very fast RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE: (A) It has a spectacular development in the use of e-learning has in recent years, and therefore computer-mediated communication have attracted more attention. If e-learning was introduced, it had created excitement among scientists and practitioners. Many educators and scientists who believe too much hope for e-learning, that offer more access to information and communication, and would ultimately lead to a new revolution in education. Several studies have been conducted to check the settings towards e-learning, but there is virtually no research in this field in Pakistan. PROBLEM STATEMENT: (B) Several researchers from different parts of the world explored the attitudes towards e-learning. Research in this area, we found that it used little research in this field in Pakistan. This is available on the delayed launch of the e-learning system in Pakistan. It is important to note that e-learning tools considerable research in many Western countries. There is no reason to believe that there was not a finding for Pakistan. RESEARCH QUESTION: (P2) (1.3) The importance and relevance of technology in education has added momentum and research in the field of e-learning gained expansion significantly on the new frontiers of education.  Because E-learning is imperative for politics, economy, science and organizations, it is important to recognize and synthesize what these institutions about the purpose and functions of e-learning and also say, settings of e-learning. This basic information can be the formulation for focusing research on e-learning. Thus, this analysis of e- learning initiates the following questions: What is the importance of e-learning in respect to Pakistan. What are the demographic factors affecting e-learning through which we will come to know that how to improve the factors which are beneficial or overcome those factors which deals as a barrier for e-leaning in Pakistan. this research will prove an initial for developers to implement e-learning in Pakistan. HYPOTHESIS: (P2) (1.4) As the e-learning is not very popular in Pakistan and there is a thinking that Pakistan is developing country and it is not up to the mark according to previous researches so we hypothesize that: H1: Pakistani students have negative attitude towards e-learning. H2: there will be a significant difference in attitudes towards e-learning based on the respondents educational level. RESEARCH METHADOLGY : (P3) (1.12) e-learning is a widespread tool and the adoption of this is larger in number and if we are going to conduct research on it in Pakistan we need qualitative data for it to check its authenticity and because we want to know the behavior of people about it and to know differences occur in educational sector. Creating the appropriate methodology for e-learning is not so easy. As independence is the priority of distance learning, student has to rely on himself and not on the help of the teacher or school-mates. The success if this technology lies mainly on the qualities of teaching materials. RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES: (P4) (1.5) Few studies analyzed the attitudes towards e-learning. Our study aims to fill this gap by analyzing the attitudes toward e-learning in Pakistan. More specifically our objective is to analyze the Pakistani societys attitudes and expectations towards e-learning, examine the impact of educational or literacy level on the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. LITERATURE REVIEW: (P5) (1.6) DEFINITION OF THE E-LEARNING E-learning is the acquisition and use of knowledge distributed and facilitated primarily by electronic means. This form of learning currently depends on networks and computers, but will likely evolve into systems consisting of a variety of channell,and technologies as they are developed and adopted. E-learning can take the form of courses as well as modules and smaller learning objects. E-learning may incorporate synchronous or asynchronous access and may be distributed geographically with varied limits of time (Wentling, Waight, Fleur, Wang, and Kanfer, 2000). THE EVOLUTION TO E-LEARNING The E-learning models of today are analogous to the earlier distance learning approaches. The roots of E-learning can be, therefore, traced back to the correspondence course model of learning. One of the first correspondence programs in the U.S. was developed at Pennsylvania State University in 1892, where the main mission was to provide higher education access to remote and rural areas (Banas et al., 1998. During its heyday in the 1920s and 1930s, school such as Penn State experimented with the use of radio to broadcast their correspondence course lessons nationally. To keep pace with the demand generated by the GI Bill in the 1950s, prestigious universities such as Columbia, Chicago, and Penn State launched several distance education programs. In recent years, the knowledge based economy has exhibited a pervasive and ever increasing demand for innovative ways of providing education and this has led to dramatic changes in learning technology as well as organizations.In the midst of this transition, corporations, government organizations, and educational institutions have to keep pace with the e-learning phenomenon and make strategic decisions on how to adopt e-learning techniques in their unique environments (Zhang et al., 2004). history timeline of e-Learning E-learning developed gradually through the period of time. Computers and the Internet are bringing important roles in e-learning what it is today. Education has different standards in many countries and regions. Software are designed to meet these standards and various academic curriculum. Below we will discuss a brief timeline of the development of e-learning. Instructor Led Training (Pre 1983) Before the availability of computers everywhere and for all was Instructor Led Training (ILD), the primary training method. ILT allows students to concentrate on their studies and to come into direct contact and interaction with their teachers and classmates. Disadvantages of the ILT were high cost and time. multimedia era (1984-1993) The mid-1980s and early 1990s saw a significant change computer era. Most people started to understand the importance of computers and it started to have become a luxury product instead. Different operating systems like Windows, Macintosh for Apple Computer with its simple graphical user interface, which take it easy for the user to a lot of affection for computers. Applications with higher standards with a focus on usability developed by end users. Microsofts Office suite, the contain standards from day to day applications such as MS-Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access and how has done it with software programs easier. This had its disadvantages. Despite these benefits and savings of time and money, these courses lacked the personal student-teacher interaction and dynamic presentations make the experience a little less satisfying. Students began to be slower and less engaging. Introduction of Web (1994-1999) The introduction of the Internet and World Wide Web, gave insights into schools to explore their potential and find ways to improve education. The introduction of e-mail, Web browser, HTML, streaming media players, low fidelity audio / video and simple Java began to change the face of multimedia training. Use of E-Learning E-learning is used in everywhere and in all kinds of areas. Companies private or public sector, non-profit organizations, NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) and educational institutions. E-learning is a cost-saving with the aim of improving students knowledge. E-learning helps reach geographically dispersed groups to an anytime, anywhere learning, to ensure consistency, to ensure compliance and increase productivity, to name a few. E-LEARNING DIMENSIONS ATTITUDES  Previous research by and large a positive attitude towards e-learning found. For example studied Peters (1993) the potential benefits of e-learning. The results show great agreement, thus benefiting from e-learning in teaching and research. However, faculty members expressed in this study, some reservations concerning the future implementation of e-learning at the university, for example: One day the university will receive all its learning provision through e-learning, e-learning will help faculty members develop better teamwork and inter-personal skills and Implementing e-learning at the university will make faculty members flock to sophisticated technologies in teaching. Advantages Previous researches listed several advantages for e-learning. These include: Obtaining grades from the Web. Communication with the course instructor. Discussions on course content through the discussion-board. Easy access to course related materials. Submitting assignments through the Web. Enhancement of course understanding. Communication with classmates. Flexibility, accessibility, convenience. 2.3.3 Disadvantages Every application has two sides. E-Learning also has its disadvantages: Application accessibility should be ensured 24x7x365. Care should be taken to ensure that students with low bandwidth also can access these. Developer limitation have some limitation in accessing this this. Type of content (not all content is suitable for e-learning): Learner motivation and initiativeto e-learning, so that they improve with time. E-learning should be portable to all computer applications via CDs, DVDs and Internet. 2.3.6 Differences in Attitudes towards E-Learning Based On Educational Levels In general, the experience of applying e-learning has to play as an important role in e-learning. For example, in one study (Cheng, 2006) the results of the survey indicated that students who opt for e-learning business courses proved to be much more willing to use e-learning again. It is easy to see that students who applied for e-learning for business courses have a positive attitude and inclination towards the e-learning. 2.3.7 The Future As already mentioned, E-learning has revolutionized the education model in all areas. E-learning is not confined to the boundaries of academic institutions such as schools, colleges and universities, but applies to all types of areas in which a continuous process leaning. We will now discuss the various aspects that will be affected by the introduction of e-learning. E-Learning Web Services Now offer their applications to scale and the needs of small, medium and large organizations. E-learning is not only on academic qualifications, but at all levels have been learning is a continuous process is limited. E-Learning Services will also start in this type of product scalability, where to look it affordable for everyone. Knowledge Transfer Staff training is an area that all successful businesses today focus on employees at the capital of a company, and their successful ventures are sure that they invest in training its employees. Often this is done by sending the employees in different locations. Train-the-trainer and employee-to-employee knowledge transfer are also effective. E-learning is now to meet the individual requirements of the organizations and their departments. This is aimed at providing quality and in depth knowledge specific to the organization and especially for the employees and their work. 2.5 Example of Seminal Studies in E-learning Many studies have been conducted in this field by many authors. Below I have mentioned one of them 2.5.1 Newtons Study (2003) The paper deals with the issues perceived as being important barriers to using technology in teaching and learning within the academic staff community working in higher education in the UK. Methodology and Data Analysis: The empirical data was gathered using questionnaires distributed to 300 academicians in the Information Technology sector of UK. The questionnaire was divided into three main sections: (1) teaching experience using technology; (2) staff perception on usefulness of technology; (3) additional comments and suggestions. The respondents were selected via institutional websites. This study focused primarily in the Information Technology field. The statistical software package SPSS was used to analyze and present the data. Result: A virtual learning environment does not necessarily mean that they do not feel that these initiatives are important. The study shows that although a lack of clarity is evident in distance learning, yet this shows that there is a willingness to participate in this activity which reflects the intrinsic values played by academic staff on teaching and learning. Virtual learning environment barriers are not related to institutional support. Organisational encouragement is important towards the progression of innovation. Organisation should ensure that effective strategies are in place prior to implementing web based distance learning. 2.6 PAKISTAN AND E-LEARNING Pakistan has a good attention for the development of its information technology and communications networks and the focus in education is particularly strong. The following sections are on the Internet, e-government, e-commerce and to discuss training. Awareness and education in Pakistan An early initiative of the teachers to take advantage of distance learning was conducted through an online course to expose. The first online course attended by 40 Pakistani educators was to provide an introduction to Web-based resources for English language lessons with special emphasis on secondary education. These courses help teachers to learn about computers and also how they learn to use as a teaching tool. This improves the teaching environment . RATIONALE : (P6) (1.6) The main reason for doing research on E-learning is its popularity in todays world, because everyone will now get to education, knowledge and information by sitting in the four walls of their houses. Some of the countries are not able to follow these technologies, so we do our research are home to tell people about the importance of e-learning in a country so that there is a large margin in the global economy, people now That can not move, I mean who are disabled can get training with the advent of e-learning project tool. REFLECTIONS : (P6) (1.8) Upon completion of this investigation, I learned how to better argue a point in a paper.Using facts and examples, my arguments have become much better. A reader takes my arguments more seriously, on the facts when I need them again, especially researched facts from credible sources.  My research skills improved a lot during the research. Before the actual research, I had an idea, I wanted to do. I did not have a solid, coherent argument. During my research, I was able to develop on this issue.  This paper, in my opinion, was one of my best research. Dr.Karim Rezual helped me a lot to do this research, he is very strict teacher and this is the only reason that I did my research in time and with my best. This way I would be more about the subject. More knowledge about the subject, the paper made much easier. It helped me to develop more points and at a good conclusion. SCOPE: (P6) (1.9) The whole of study is about internet learning and what is the attitudeof people of Pakistan towards it as well as effectiveness of e-learning. In the process of preparing this study, I also have to go through some problems and obstacles that caused some limitations to my study. One of these limitations was time. The time of collecting data was limited, and hence, little information was available in articles. Results, therefore, had to be interpreted scrupulously. Action plan [D2] I have done my research through the following means I have taken information and knowledge from different and multiple sources e.g. internet, libraries, online teaching websites and and from the experts of e-learning who gave regular lectures on internet. This study gives different suggestions on the attitudes of e-learning and how countries respond to these changes. Study the possible solutions to resolve the challenges and to give them better solutions to cop those challenges This research works as a mentor to teach those people who are interested in doing these types of assignments There also some recommendations from highly qualified people I have also prepared a questionnaire to conduct a survey which make my research easy to find out results. CODE OF ETHICS : (P7) While doing research on e-learning, we have collected and analysed the data by keeping in mind the code of ethics. we have used all the data relavant to it through proper means , I mean from journals and articles which are available for everyone to get information from that. There is no possibility of misuse of data in this rsearch because all of the information is taken from professionals of this field. Everything is conducted in this manner which will prove its authenticity in whole of the research. It should be acknowledged that the basic intent of -learning is a moral good. Attempting to provide the greatest good to the greatest number of people is inherently an ethical task JUSTIFICATION FOR USING THIS METHODOLOGY: (P8) (1.12) we have chosen qualitative approach to gather data because in this type of data researchers subjective judgement becomes the part of the research instrument. A lot of researchers have used this approach and you can check its importance through this quotations written on qualitative data. All research ultimately has a qualitative grounding Donald Campbell The whole of the research is done to obtain the results from people of Pakistan whether they think positive or negative toward e-learning and also check the educational differences in e-learning. And for that reviews of the professional who are directly related to this particular area and opinions are either taken or studied. DATA COLLECTION AND REVIEWING : (P9) (1.14) (a) The mode that we have selected for our research was collection of secondary data because one the main advantage of this data ease of access , so we took information and data from international publications, journals, libraries, newspapers, magazines, from previous researches conducted in respect to e-learning and from our lecturer DR.Karim Rezual. All these resources helped us to get better understanding to accomplish the topic which we have chosen for research. Some part of qualitative analysis is also involved to measure the future and prospects of e-learning.questionaire was distributed among students so that we can take an opinion about their views towards e-learning. REVIEWING AND ANALYSATION : (P10)(1.14)(b) After completion of all steps came a step to review analyse the data which you have gathered for your research, it is just done to prove the reliability of data which you are going to use in your research, there are numerous strategies employed in this although a laptop was used to interpret data then we have prepared a literature review by keeping in mind the main point which we need to put in our research, this process carried on by breaking up the data into meaningfull form and after this it is aanalysed that the data is without errors and bugs. RESEARCH DESIGN: (M1) (1.13) The design of qualitative research is probably the most flexible of the various experimental techniques, encompassing a variety of accepted methods and structures. From an individual case study to an extensive survey, this type of study still needs to be carefully constructed and designed, but there is no standardized structure. In this research we are going in depth to find the problems associated with people who are using or not using e-learning, Qualitative research is especially effective in obtaining culturally specific information about the values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts of particular populations. The research data and findings were reviewed constantly and strong effort was made to collect the best material available. This document is based on secondary research, where the information is mostly taken from internet resources and books . FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH: (P11) (1.5) It is known to eeveryone that e-learning getting popular in the global world and it is very fruitfull for all of the sectors e.g institutions, organizations etc. but there are also some problems to it which we recognize while doing thid research are Lack of technology In all areas, available in limited areas Lack of communication Not a good access to the internet Some people are stuck to their old teaching method or love to do manual works People of Pakistan instead of these problems are ready to go with a fast paced world and the students who are getting their education in different departments and different fields have different views about the popularity of e-learning. ANALYSIS INTERMS OF RESEARCH SPECIFICATION: (M3) (1.14) Different researchers have done research on this topic but in Pakistan I think there was a positive response toward e-learning because they prefer to study by electronic means so the whole of the research tell about their views and behaviors about e-learning and ultimately their response. So we think that Pakistan need this facility in proper way to come in the developed countries queue who have adopted this very earlier. RELULTS OF THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND HYPOTHESIS (M2)(1.15) If wee look at research question and hypothesis then we can say that there should be some work on e-learning because people have a good view about it , there are some problems faced in educational area but nothing is present in this world without flaws, so if we just look that they showed a positive attitude so there is need to work on it. Reliability is the instruments ability to provide consistent results in repeated uses (Gatewood and Field, 1990). The basic measure for reliability is the Cronbachs alpha which was also kept in mind and its datas validity is also assured. EVALUATION OF THE RESEARCH: (D1) It was not a simple task to do research on this topic while we are in other country it needed every statement and every judgments based on facts and realities and information from reliable sources . everything is according to the procedure defined for doing research. A set planning was done to do this research and all the findings is based on logics and evidence. Although it was not easy yet it covered all the points in order to get distinction . CONCLUSION: (P12) (1.17) Few studies have analyzed the attitudes towards e-learning in the Asian world. The aim of this study was to fill this gap by analyzing the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. The negative attitude and the effects of educational level on attitudes towards e-learning was also studied. In addition, the e-Learning Scale reliability and validity were tested for the first time. From those results we can conclude that there is a positive attitude towards E-learning in Pakistan. On the other hand, a gap in this respect was recognized on the basis of education. Finally, the results showed that e-Learning is a reliable and valid measurement of attitudes towards e-learning. This allows other researchers to use this scale in their empirical studies. FUTURE RESEARCH AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (D3)(1.18)  This study concludes that the e-learning scale is reliable and valid in Pakistan. However, only one form of validity in this study, carried out the convergent validity analysis. Also, the validity of e-learning scale are further tested by new researchers, because the e-learning attitudes in Pakistan may change over time and that further research would continue in the field the aura of e-learning to life and strong and make education shine in all directions with a new e-learning light for all who have yearning for it. Although e-learning systems in Pakistan are not a popular phenomenon, they are patronized by students and positive international attitudes. In education, showed e-learning systems that support and promote the traditional education systems.  It is believed that Pakistan is to facilitate an association of e-learning institutions to a planned deployment of the system throughout the country. This association should be aware of e-learning problems and try to manage these problems by offering training programs for teachers and students in fields such as e-education and e-privacy systems. 5.2 IMPLICATIONS The following section talks about the research and policy implications of e-learning. 5.2.1 Research Implications This research contributes to the literature on e-learning studies by systematically and analytically assessing the attitudes towards e-learning in Pakistan. Perhaps the findings of this research will also lend increased confidence to researchers who have been using the e-learning scale with reservations, or who might have avoided the instrument because of concerns about validity. We should leave no stone unturned to reap the fruits of scientific and technological innovations with e-learning being one of them.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Using the Internet as a Medium for Art Essay -- Computers Technology W
Using the Internet as a Medium for Art â€Å" This is my space, this is my world. I can express how I feel and what I believe, it’s a different type of freedom.†(1) This quote could speak of so many places in a creative world; a university, a gallery, a bedroom, a studio, and so many others that people commonly associate with artistic space however it refers to none of these and all of these at once. I am talking about the web. The web is a new space and like all technology pushed to its limits by artists. This essay will discuss the impact that new technologies have had on the young and emerging visual artist. In particular this essay will focus on the advantages that the internet as a medium has had over a new generation of artists that are coming into being. Starting with the tools that have been developed to create works and early examples of ‘net art.’ The essay shall also move on to websites being a new genre of art onto themselves. I shall show examples of websites that explore the many possibilities and capabilities that this new ‘web art’ genre has created and how people have exploited them to great advantage. Looking at browser based art that has been created for and only exists within the confines of a browser window. The essay shall end exploring how websites are also a medium for artists young and old, new media and traditional to deliver their work to a new audience not accessible to them before internet technology became a household standard. As stated in the introduction, many, if not all technologies are used by artists and pushed to its limits. The internet is no exception. Originally developed for and by the US Department of Defense in 1969 it quickly grew from 3 computers to hundreds and then thousand... ...nt† 8. Unknown Author (2000-current) â€Å"Deviant Art† 9. Thorson, Joshua (2003) â€Å"Clock Work Crow† 10. Gilligan, Amanda (2002- current) â€Å"Shutterfly, Amanda Gilligan Photography† 11. Cameron,Katsuki (2003-current) â€Å"TEAM k!† 12. Unknown, (2004) â€Å"escape|route†ACMI – Australian Centre for the Moving Image Arts Hub- For Australian Arts Workers Australia Council – New Media Arts Free – Generation Y History of the Internet- Where did the Internet come from Using the Internet as a Medium for Art Essay -- Computers Technology W Using the Internet as a Medium for Art â€Å" This is my space, this is my world. I can express how I feel and what I believe, it’s a different type of freedom.†(1) This quote could speak of so many places in a creative world; a university, a gallery, a bedroom, a studio, and so many others that people commonly associate with artistic space however it refers to none of these and all of these at once. I am talking about the web. The web is a new space and like all technology pushed to its limits by artists. This essay will discuss the impact that new technologies have had on the young and emerging visual artist. In particular this essay will focus on the advantages that the internet as a medium has had over a new generation of artists that are coming into being. Starting with the tools that have been developed to create works and early examples of ‘net art.’ The essay shall also move on to websites being a new genre of art onto themselves. I shall show examples of websites that explore the many possibilities and capabilities that this new ‘web art’ genre has created and how people have exploited them to great advantage. Looking at browser based art that has been created for and only exists within the confines of a browser window. The essay shall end exploring how websites are also a medium for artists young and old, new media and traditional to deliver their work to a new audience not accessible to them before internet technology became a household standard. As stated in the introduction, many, if not all technologies are used by artists and pushed to its limits. The internet is no exception. Originally developed for and by the US Department of Defense in 1969 it quickly grew from 3 computers to hundreds and then thousand... ...nt† 8. Unknown Author (2000-current) â€Å"Deviant Art† 9. Thorson, Joshua (2003) â€Å"Clock Work Crow† 10. Gilligan, Amanda (2002- current) â€Å"Shutterfly, Amanda Gilligan Photography† 11. Cameron,Katsuki (2003-current) â€Å"TEAM k!† 12. Unknown, (2004) â€Å"escape|route†ACMI – Australian Centre for the Moving Image Arts Hub- For Australian Arts Workers Australia Council – New Media Arts Free – Generation Y History of the Internet- Where did the Internet come from
Friday, October 11, 2019
Augustus of Primaporta Analysis
The statute Augustus of Primaporta depicts the Roman emperor Octavian, son and heir of Julius Caesar and defeater of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Created circa 20 C.E., and found in the home of Octavian’s wife Livia at Primaporta, this marble statue today stands in the Musei Vaticani in Rome (Janson 2007b 191).Measuring 6 feet 8 inches in height, and perhaps a copy of a bronze from around 20 BCE, the Augustus of Primaporta depicts Octavian as an â€Å"ageless youth,†as did all statues of Octavian until his death in his late seventies (Janson 2007b 191). Based on the bronze Doryphoros (â€Å"spear bearer†) by Polykleitos, which depicts a perfectly harmonious and balanced male athletic body in contrapposto (hips tilted such that one leg seems to be moving while the other stands still) supported by a tree stump, the Augustus of Primaporta presents Octavian Augustus in a heroic, idealized contrapposto form (Janson 2007a 121).Smooth-faced Octavian is shown in this stat ue wearing battle armor, with his arm raised â€Å"in a gesture of address†in order to signify his claim to authority (Janson 2007b 192).This orator’s gesture had been adapted from another historical statue, the first century BCE Aulus Metellus, a bronze statue depicting an orator that today can be seen in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Florence (Stokstad 197). Next to his right ankle, a small Cupid (also known as Eros, the son of Venus) can be seen playing with a dolphin. This cupid is not merely decorative, but rather serves as a â€Å"strut†to strengthen the statue (Janson 2007b 192).The statute contains many symbolic references to Octavian Augustus’s claims to power. His divine claims to power are represented through several visual references. To begin with, like the Egyptians and Greeks before him, and many Roman emperors after, Augustus’ statue represents him as being â€Å"enveloped in an air of divinity†(Janson 2007a 121).The statue’s generally godlike appearance is augmented by Octavian’s bare feet, which are the mark of a god, and the Cupid, which represents the descent of the Julian family (of which Augustus was part) from Venus through Aeneas, his Trojan ancestor (Janson 2007b 192). His earthly claims to power are displayed through references to his military and diplomatic victories.The dolphin represents his earthly claim to power by evoking the sea at Actium where Octavian Augustus defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra and ended 100 years of civil war in the Roman Republic (Janson 2007b 192, Lodge 1).Augustus’ breastplate, which depicts an allegory in which either Tiberius or the god Mars accepting Roman standards from a Parthian soldier, recalls his diplomatic victory over the Parthians in 20 BCE, when he was able to negotiate the return of some Roman legionary standards that had been captured in 53 and 36 BCE (Janson 2007a 122). Finally, his orator’s pose symbolizes his ability to rule by reason and persuasion, rather than through force (Stokstad 198).The Augustus of Primaporta was a part of the Augustan period, a new Roman idealist movement that was â€Å"grounded in the appearance of the everyday world†(Stokstad 197, Honour 198). This type of sculpture assimilates the traditions of ancient Greece with more modern Roman references. This statue, a good representation of the movement, has been described as a â€Å"sophisticated combination of Greek idealism and Roman individuality,†which came together to form â€Å"a new Augustan ideal†(Stokstad 197).The godlike idealized body of Augustus, with its perfect Greek athletic figure, its tight cap of layered curls, its prominent brow and nose, and its contrapposto pose, is combined with realistic portraiture in the head so that Augustus’ features are clearly distinguishable (Stokstad 197, Lodge 4).This type of Roman idealist sculpture was frequently used as imperial politic al propaganda. The references to divine and earthly claims to power and the posture and beauty of the statue, combined with the distinctive portraiture, stand for the proposition that the individual Octavian Augustus was a noble and powerful ruler.The visual imagery of the statues of this time, such as the Augustus of Primaporta, was key in creating a â€Å"new mythology†of the imperial line (Lodge 2). This statue solidified and paid homage to Augustus’ claim to authority by depicting his many claims to rule. Later statues of Roman emperors would draw on the Augustus of Primaporta as propaganda to tie them closer to the Julian line (Lodge 3).Another example of the Augustan style, which similarly shows Augustus in a particular light for propagandistic purposes is the Via Labicana Augustus, which originally dates from 20 BCE, and a copy of which can be found in the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme at the National Museum in Rome (Lodge 2).This sculpture shows Octavian Augustus â€â€again with distinguishable features on the headâ€â€dressed as pontifex maximus, the highest priest in the ancient roman religion. Showing Augustus as an idealized religious figure spoke of him as a virtuous and pious citizen of Rome, and a conserver of traditional Roman values, which conveyed another type of authority in addition to the more military and diplomatic authority portrayed in the Augustus of Primaporta (Lodge 7).The image in the Via Labicana Augustus, when combined with that of the Augustus of Primaporta, shows an imperial figure who ruled justly, piously, and well, and with the support of both heaven and earth.Works CitedHonour, Hugh & John Fleming. A World History of Art. London: Lawrence King Publishing, Ltd., 2005. 196-199.Janson, Anthony F. & H.W. Janson, A Short History of Art. 7th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007a. 121-122.Janson, Anthony F. Janson’s History of Art. 7th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007b. 191-193.Lodge, Nancy. â€Å"Images of Roman Power: Roman Imperial Sculpture.†1-7. available at, Marilyn. Art History. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2005. 197-198.
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