Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Paper free essay sample
Whether youre playing songs at a greasy truck stop for 65 bucks and a cheeseburger or youre in a Greyhound bus trucking down to North Carolina to meet some hodgepodge director of a documentary film about children that breast feed until age 10. Chances are youre an independent musician. Sure, making music is great and its loads of fun, but is it reasonable to think that we can actually sustain a living by saying buck you to the man and doing It all on our own? According to Talking Heads frontal David Byrne, its totally plausible.Artists used to need the labels to bankroll their recordings. Most simply didnt have the SSL 5,000 (Mullen) necessary to rent a professional studio and pay an engineer and producer. For many artists -? maybe even most -? this is no longer the case. Now an album can be made on the same laptop you use to check email. We will write a custom essay sample on Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Byrne, 2007) In other words, if you have 1000 dollars, you can buy a Macro, purchase a universal Serial Bus (USB) microphone, record, mix, and master your own songs without leaving your Traditionally record labels were in charge of spending hundreds of thousands of Lars on recording, packaging and distributing music.With the invention of the internet, theres a dramatic shift in business practices and record labels are losing money hand over fist. According to Ron Gimbals: The recording industry is hemorrhaging financially from declining CD sales and is desperately seeking ways to stop the bleeding. In attempts to recover lost sales, the recording industry has done everything from lawsuits against file-sharers to dropping the prices of CDC. (Gimbals, 2005) In laymans terms, it means that the internet is dipping into these conglomerates sockets and theyre desperately scrambling to try and stop the bleeding. Its no wonder why the popular band Radioed said buck off to major labels and released their record In Rainbows D. I. Y. (do it yourself) At this end of the spectrum, the artist stands to receive the largest percentage of income from sales per unit -? sales of not everyone is as smart as those nerdy Radioed boys. David Byrne opines. (Byrne, 2007) That may sound all peachy keen and loaded with roses and sunshine, but lets not get ahead of ourselves, major labels have been around for years and its clear that theyre to going anywhere. Take a cue from Marina Pallet. After selling 10,000 albums on own, I entered into a new record deal with Warner Pros licensing the album, and I got shot in the marketing arm that only a major label can bring. Suddenly, the same single that I had released to little fanfare (apart from Radio 2, to which I pretty much owe my career) was put on radio playbills everywhere and became a chart hit. Supermarkets started stocking my album. A major label has money, leverage and influence that is simply unavailable to most independents, and that isnt going to change any time pallet, 2011)If you dont believe Marina, take it from the man who signed Elliot Smith, R. E. M. Rod Stewart and my more famous acts, former Reprise and Warner Brothers president: Larry Warmonger. It really is a tough question. Ultimately I think that if youre looking to be an artist with a career, a long term career, for the most part major labels is the Nay to go. (Warmonger, 2006) Most independent labels dont get any radio airplay, so its interesting situation. look you still need radio. The world has not changed that much {et. (Warmonger, 2006).I spoke with 5 different classmates about whether independent musicians could unique and interesting in its own respect. I always find it interesting to listen to the people that havent been absorbed or warped by the entertainment business. The first person I interviewed was Steven Discard. Steven wants to be an actor and plans on going to Albany after D. C. C. When I asked him if independent musicians can survive he told me that through social media and hard work and dedication, musicians can sustain a living while being independent. If you want something bad enough, youre going to put in the effort by going out to local shows, handing out flyers and making a name for yourself (Discard, 2012) The Next interviewee was Dylan Cake. Dylan plans on being a youth minister and in his spare time he edits videos. Dylan perception is what I feel most peoples perception is. l dont think you can plan a retirement being an independent musician. I think that you might be able to sustain yourself for a bit, but eventually without support from the big guys, youre goanna get lost (Cake, 2012) The next person I interviewed was Marimbas Weissmuller.Marimbas a very soft- spoken women who goes to Duchess for liberal arts she Marimbas took this class because she is fascinated by the media and its interaction with society. I feel bad for the independent artists. It has to be a very hard lifestyle working all the time and not seeing any reward. Although I think it can work, theres lots of hard work involved and Most likely my favorite interview was with a gentleman by the name of Daniel oriel. Daniel is the kind of guy that leads by example.Hes a Com student and is into film production. l definitely think independent artists can sustain a living. Independent artists have complete control over their intellectual property. Nobodys getting into their art, nobodys constantly hassling them for money. If they have a good product, ongoing to build their fan base and eventually majors are going to try and grab them up. Like with any industry, If youre talented, people are going to try and use you. Oh so true. (Tortellini, 2012) The final person I talked to was Stephanie Alicia.Stephanie wants to be a writer, but it seems as if shes too afraid to push herself out of fear of failure. If I could do Anteater I wanted, I would choose to be a struggling author all of my life, but chances are, Im going to do a 9-5 instead. Id like to think that independent artists can survive, but I dont think its a comfortable living (Alicia, 2012) My opinion is mixed. Eve been an independent artist and Eve been signed to labels. Both are interesting. On one hand, being independent gives you the freedom and total control of your work.Youre doing everything yourself, you have nobody to answer to, you get no sleep the social networking sites, after awhile it feels as if youre a slave to your art, scratch that, you are. Its your music; its your message; its your life. Add on top of all the financial headaches and bills that go along with managing a business. Being on a major label gives you breathing room. Theres money coming in, were taking care of promoting, they have people running your social networking sites, they have people putting your face in magazines and on all those teeny popper magazines. Theres a business manager, youre Job is to focus on making the hits! Rhea problem is, is that music and art is completely subjective. What do shirt and ties about being on a road, writing a song, bleeding for what you believe in? Most of them Newer in failed bands or never have picked up an instrument before in their life. Its ridiculous sometimes when you actually meet some of the people that work at these labels. How can we fix this problem? Easy, stop having major corporations run the radio stations and dictate to the people what musics played on them.If people cared enough, there could be change. Just like Steel, its only as strong as the hand that wields it. These radio stations are only popular because people listen to them. If people cared they would stand up and fight for their right! I find that sometimes the people have been turning into clear channel zombies. So Ill address this situation again? Can you make a sustainable living being by being an independent artist? Yes, if youre smart, and you dont travel too far, you Our product slowly and secure dedicated fans. Its possible to pay your bills and have a DOD time. Paper free essay sample Whether the ruthless slaughter of the Filipinos shall end next month or next year is but an incident in a contest that must go on until the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are rescued from the hands of their betrayers. Those who dispute about standards of value while the foundation of the Republic is undermined will be listened to as little as those who would wrangle about the small economies of the household while the house is on fire. The training of a great people for a century, the aspiration for? iberty of a vast immigration are forces that will hurl aside those who in the delirium of conquest seek to destroy the character of our institutions. Document E Source: Senator Albert J. Beveridge. Speech to 56th Congress, Congressional Record 1900 The Philippines are ours forever . . . . And just beyond the Philippines are Chinas illimitable market. We will not retreat from either. We will write a custom essay sample on Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We will not repudiate our duty in the archipelago. We will not abandon our opportunity in the Orient. We will not renounce our part in the mission of our race, trustee, under God, of the civilization of the world. And we will move forward to our work . . . . with gratitude . . . . and thanksgiving to Almighty God that He has marked us as His chosen people, henceforth to lead in the regeneration of the world . . . . Our largest trade henceforth must be with Asia. The Pacific is our ocean . . . . And the Pacific is the ocean of the commerce of the future . . . . The power that rules the Pacific, therefore, is the power that rules the world. And, with the Philippines, that power is and will forever be the American Republic. Document F Source: Theodore Roosevelt. Annual Message to Congress, December 6, 1904. It is not true that the United States feels any land hunger or entertains any projects as regards the other nations of the Western Hemisphere, save such as are for their welfare. All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous. Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship. If a nation shows that it knows how to act with reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political matters, if it keeps order and pays its obligations, it need fear no interference from the United States. Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power. If every country washed by the Caribbean Sea would show the progress in stable and just civilization which, with the aid of the Platt amendment, Cuba has shown since our troops left the island, and which so many of the republics in both Americas are constantly and brilliantly showing, all question of interference by this Nation with their affairs would be at an end. Document Paper free essay sample Macro Hanna Xxxx26804 (Note: remove the first 4 digits from your student ID) *By signing above you attest that you have contributed to this submission and confirm that all work you have contributed to this submission is your own work. Any suspicion of copying or plagiarism in this work will result in an investigation of Academic Misconduct and may result in a O on the work, an F in the course, or possibly more severe penalties, as well as a Disciplinary Notice on your academic record under the Student Code ofAcademic Conduct, which can be found online at: http://WV. Reason. Ca/ senate/poesies/pappy. PDF. Study of Times waiting at Banks Introduction: The issues that are going to be studied are the factors that affect waiting time at a Bank service line. Some of the consequences of long wait time are customer irritation and employee frustration, which leads to a bad reputation for the bank. We will write a custom essay sample on Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The motivations for this research are the improvement of service time, increase in the customer satisfaction and better corporate reputation. This proposal comprises the purpose of the project, target population and limitations for research, an explanation of the approach, and the expected results. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to find the causes of the delay time at a Bank and find the practical ways to avoid the delays. Scope: The scope of this project will only be limited to just one particular branch as it would be nearly impossible to obtain data for an entire franchise. We will be looking and analyzing the ID branch located on Horntail SST, Abramson.The target population for this project includes people of all age ranges going from 12 to 100 years old (Theoretically people have a bank account for a majority of their life). To specify most of the data that will be collected will be based on daily customers (normally in the age range of 25-55) as they are considerably impacted by the long wait lines as for them time is money. As we are limiting ourselves to this one particular branch there will be some inaccu racies in data collected which may vary from branch to branch as well efferent banks (I. . ID, CUBIC, etc. ). Paper free essay sample Students should be allowed to pray in school Is praying in school really allowed? Do the majority of children that do want to pray get put down or get frowned upon? Well that answer to that question years ago would have been that praying in school was a part of everyday routine. We can change the world Have you ever wanted to change the world? I do. Many people say that but dont put their dreams on paper. Many people say they want a better world but dont stop making bad decisions. Abortion: Another name for murder or a desperate necessity Every day, an overwhelming amount of human beings’ lives are terminated. So what is one to do when they discover that they’re pregnant? A mother kills her baby because it is unwanted, yet she is not charged with murder. Is this right? It is wrong to kill something that has an undoubtedly possible future. We will write a custom essay sample on Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Are cell phones dangerous? Cell Phones  are negatively impacting School Life. Although individuals are relying more heavily on mobile communications, the use of these devices needs to be balanced with an understanding of the risks involved in their use. Do parents have a social responsibility to vaccinate their children? Social Responsibility, some may say it is and organizations duty to behave in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. Do violent video games cause behavior problems? Technology has grown and improved over the past several years. With technology increasing so has the demand for computers, televisions and video games. Video games are electronic games that involve a place where interaction between humans and machines occurs. Does â€Å"tough love†really work? Tough love is an expression used when someone treats another person harshly or sternly. How has technology impacted parenting? As technology continues to change, businesses have to adapt to new and faster ways in which to reach customers in this competitive technology age. Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago? Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago? My stand in this question is YES; child behavior has worsened over the years. Love or Money All throughout life people always ask one question â€Å" Which is more important money or love†. No one can really answer the question be people always give there opinions. Is fashion important? Fashion is a style of dressing or behaving that is the most popular at a particular time. They usually remain popular for about 1-3 years and then are replaced by other ideas. Fashion has its roots from the very ancient times, it existed in all ages. What is the link between sleep disorders and attention disorders? Developmental disorder called â€Å"attention deficit disorder†. Extremely active behavior, impulsiveness, poor motor coordination, and low frustration tolerance are associated with this label. Although in the examples, the behaviors were obvious early, many children are identified as having this disorder only when they enter school. Antisocial personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder is a disorder with a misleading name. Its name may lead one to believe that people with the disorder stay away from social interaction. That is anything but true. People with this disorder are very sociable. The thing that makes them antisocial is they way they do not adapt to normal social standards or behavior. h Causes and Symptoms of Stress For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. Phobias Fear of heights, fear of the number 13, fear of spiders, fear of small spaces. All of these fears are considered phobias. While there are many causes of phobias, one theory uses the notion of preparedness in Pavlovian conditioning. This is a way in which people learn to react to certain stimuli. Prejudice and discrimination (ie, homophobia, sexism, racism) Approximately 12, 8-10 year old children commit suicide every year because they are victims of bullying. Whereas 1. 3 million children a year bully others. What is bullying? One who hurts or intimidates others. This assault may occur in two principle forms, verbal or physical. Why do people need someone to love? At some point, every woman wants to be with a partner that she can love. A woman wants someone who is compatible with her and shares her likes and dislikes. A woman wants someone she can love, someone she can care for, and someone she can build a lifelong friendship of loyalty and trust. Abortion – a right for the mother Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. The Feelings of Falling in Love What is Love? Is it attraction? Is it intimacy? Is it attachment? Love, in fact, is all of these things combined together. Love is spiritual, not physical. It is a union of souls and hearts and minds, not something you cant put under your microscope and understand!  Love is an emotion combined with a series of feelings.
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